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Widow and Orphan Care

Orphan & Widow Care

Zambian culture greatly emphasizes the extended family.  The village style of living makes this a greater possibility.  When a family has a child that they are not able to care for because of the death or illness of one or both the parents, the grannies, uncles, aunts, or the surviving parent desires to keep the child.  They are often unable to, particularly if the child is sick.  In an attempt to save the child’s life, he or she will be placed in an orphanage.

The aids pandemic in Zambia is huge, and there are approximately 750,000 orphans with one or no parents.  Orphanages are in great need, and we must all do everything that we can to help.  Sons of Thunder’s involvement is unique.  We work where few others can, and we are qualified medically and nutritionally to save lives and to bring proper nutrition.

Let me explain briefly what we do.  We save many babies and mothers with good deliveries, either in the bush (making old time house calls), or at our clinic, or transporting to a local hospital if there are difficulties.  If the mother or father is HIV positive, we give them proper treatment and medication.  If the baby is positive, we start treatment immediately, and give infant formula where breast-feeding is not sufficient.  If there is a death, or inability to work, we provide food for the families, and training in good agriculture procedures so that the extended family can produce more food to care for themselves.  We monitor and keep helping the families until they are able to care for themselves.  We pray with them and share the gospel of Jesus Christ that teaches good morals and proper family relationships.  Sons of Thunder’s unique strengths allow us to be involved in orphan care in prevention and extended family care.

No matter how you do it, orphan care is expensive and time consuming.  You can imagine the man-hours in teaching good morals and appropriate sexual behavior, good hygiene, nutrition and infant care…the costs in fuel and vehicle maintenance for “house calls” and transport…the costs for medication, for infant formula, for treatment, for food.  I pray you will give generously and faithfully.

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